
lovely. horrid.

– painting my toe nails

– making money (little is better than none, right?)

– massive washing machines that i can throw all my clothes into

– having the best family

– vacation with that very best family

– friends who/are visited/visiting that always make me smile

– leaving two night from now for a whole week

– walks along a river

– remembering a random gift of money i recieved last year from a very lovely couple who live hours away from me

– evenings on the porch with ice cream in hand (ice cream always makes things better)

– money that i will one day earn to pay everything off with

– my Jesus — who is always easy to “reconnect” with

– having to do laundry tonight, packing tomorrow night, leaving the next night

– worries about too little money and too much to buy

– not spending enough time with Him and feeling the effects (affects?) of it

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