
a thankful heart

i haven’t had my eyes fixed where they’re supposed to be.  and i’ve felt it.

it’s November.  Thanksgiving is at the end of this month and it’s one of my favorite holidays.  although the meal isn’t actually my favorite and i wonder why people look forward to eating dry white meat year after year, i love the holiday.  it’s all about being thankful and a day that purposes to be thankful.

in the midst of my distraction, my frustrations, my confusions, i’ve realized that when i decide to count my blessings, my eyes are back on where they should be.  my heart, my attitude are brought back in line.  in everything give thanks.

it’s the third of this month and i’m a few days behind, but for the rest of the month, i’m going to record a blessing, something i’m thankful for everyday.  i’m going to exercise the art of thankfulness this month.  it’s good for my spirit.

today i’m thankful for…

God being on the throne.  God being in control.  we gathered in our family room this evening with the candles lit and members from our church and prayed for the church of America, for the election, for God to have mercy on us.  and i felt such peace.  no matter who is elected, what happens to the country that i love so much, God’s in control and He can turn the hearts of kings.  and i can rest in the knowledge of His authority.

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.  

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