Easter Sunday is full. starting before the sun rises to when the sun slips beyond the horizon we have our traditions. the celebration of life begins through the morning greetings, to the life-filled colors we wear, to the worship surrounded by hundreds of other grateful souls, to soaking up the presence of those we’ve been given to live this life beside.
i like the idea of life. of new life. i like the idea of no more bondage and no more fear. i like remembering there’s more to come when these days seem difficult to plod through — that true life is still to come.
my soul has never thought much of Good Friday. i slip into preparation mode for a filled Sunday so easily and forget to remember. i’m going to this year. i’ve determined that it must happen. work will be set aside even for just the evening to love the Savior who died for me.
but i’m not sure what to do and how to worship. what are some of the ways you celebrate Good Friday? what family traditions do you love?