i went to bed at 10:30pm last night. it was such a treat and i woke feeling so good that i decided i should really start doing that more often. so, these daily picture posts shall [hopefully] be coming earlier in the day. are you terribly bored with these silly little entries? only a few more days until my commitment is finished.
in three days i leave for a week long-ish vacation. because of that, there are many things that i’m quickly trying to wrap up. when i realized that my backside was asleep from sitting in my office chair i glanced up at the clock and was surprised that i had quickly gone past the 8 hour mark and was still going. those kinds of days are not my favorite. vacations mean so much work beforehand!
i may or may not feel like this right now:
my try-to-be-healthier kick was pretty lame this past weekend, but i did well this evening with my dinner. hello fresh green beans, tuna, and homemade whole wheat bread!
a kitchen cleaned, now writing this, and in a few minutes i’m going to go spend my evening with her. have you ever loved somebody so much that you can’t remember what your life was like before they entered it? that’s her to me. for almost three years we have done everything together (work, travel, play, lead a small group together — to name a few).
and if you would like to feel loved, become her friend. i’ve never been so loved.