
oh well

it was just the bus driver in the front and me, surrounded by many empty seats.  i had opted for the long route back into town from the airport.  i stared out the window, at the grey sky, the snowy mountains in the background, and wind playing with the branches of the trees.  a tear slipped down my cheek and for some reason the only thing i could think of was a certain song which had nothing to do with what i was upset about…

so you sailed away
into a grey sky morning

it’s not so bad
you’re just the best i ever had

i’m not sure why i had gotten my hopes up — chances are changing the date of my ticket would have cost too much anyways.  so it shouldn’t have been so hard to hear from the ladies lips, “both connecting flights are all booked up.”  and in reality, the chaning of the ticket would have been made the difference of one day.  it doesn’t change things that much.

but it does.  to me.  right now at least.

just give me a little while.  then i’ll be okay.

6 thoughts on “oh well

  1. I’m so sorry. I guess that maybe saving the money was important, or maybe a person you’ll meet. Or maybe just the stretching process. Or maybe all three. Maybe four. Or more. He alone knows, and my confidence is His great goodness and faithfulness. His way, always and only.

    Can’t wait to see you. And will pray for your crazy busy “papers due” schedule. Congrats for your perfect scores on the OT stuff — Hooray!!

  2. lore ferguson – i’m coming home sunday, the 17th, and will probably be pulling into the driveway very late at night. i’m very much looking forward to it. i’ll be home for (almost) three weeks! we’ll definitely have time for some chai or coffee. : )

  3. Hi Louissa
    I have so enjoyed your blog and experiencing your adventure. Actually, I am in the process of writing you a letter, it sits half written on my desk. I will finish it and send it. I will be coming home too on Dec. 17, sorry to miss the Christmas musical that Carina is directing. I remember fondly all the Christmas musicals Mrs. Colbert and I did over the years. Remember Brietta and Ethan and John Tullock as the 3 wise men? Anyway, I’ll be in Italy with Elizabeth and Christian for a week- a nice Christmas present! Wish I could pop over to see you too. Could you go to Elizabeth’s for Thanksgiving? I think she is having 15 for dinner. Always room for one more.
    Mrs. Nordberg

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