
time off

after only four months of working i’m officially on vacation until next saturday.  i sit here with the world at my fingertips, knowing i can do whatever it is that i want to do right now and there is no schedule that will stop me.  as it is, what i’m doing and want to do includes the laundry that is being washed right now and the pile of my belongings that sit on my couch at home, waiting to be put in my bag.  my swimsuit, shorts, and sunscreen are at the top.

tomorrow i will take a plane, a train, and an automobile and will eventually find myself in Port d’Alcudia, Mallorca (Majorca).  this place boasts of their 8 km sandy beach where i will be able to enjoy the sun, the blue mediterranean water, and all that lovely sand that will naturally exfoliate my feet.  it is also the port of this town (for those of you who are interested, lots of great reading at that site), where i intend to spend much time walking around and exploring it’s old buildings.

a holiday on a Spanish island.  sometimes my life sounds so… luxurious.

7 thoughts on “time off

  1. Later I will most certainly avail myself of the site listed, checking out a bit of the history you will be imbibing upon your adventure. What better way to learn all that fascinating stuff! But for now, my eyes are heavy with sleep so I might slip a nap into the afternoon schedule.

  2. A fave book of my boys is called “trains, planes, and automobiles” I think it’s neat you are going to take a train a plane and an automobile. your vacation sounds lovely. I hope you have a wonderful time! 🙂

  3. being in the sinclair household and listening to keith urban just isn’t the same without you. i miss you.

  4. So I went down stairs this morning and found you and Beanz talking on the side porch. She said shhhhh no one knows she is home early. it’s a surprise…and then I woke up and realized it was only a dream.

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