
little ones

it’s 10:45 and i’m working on my second cup of coffee. i know, i’m supposed to be quiting. i could come up with several excuses as to why i’m still drinking this wonderful legal addictive stimulant but won’t. after all, they’re just excuses, right?

i am showered and dressed but haven’t quite made it to the make-up part of my morning routine. a monday morning not at work. yes, this is unusual.

i sat all three children in different chairs with different books and went to shower. halfway through my shower i heard screams and little feet chasing after each other. i put a towel around my sopping wet hair to go and resettle my charges. i brushed my teeth and simultaneously encouraged the little girl to not hit her brother with my blow dryer. i wiped down dining room chairs and broke up a fight. i dusted some tables and pictures and encouraged nice playtime. i vacuumed a few rooms and spanked a few children. i brushed a girls hair and coached three little ones on the proper way to apologize after an offense. i put a load of laundry in and told a little one to stop touching her camera.

but oh! how i love the little ones in this little yellow house. i love the giggles, the creative drawings, the “practicing” of drums with one, the cuddles of another, the kisses of the princess. yes, i love being here.

yesterday we threw away routine and spent the afternoon at the park. it was lovely.

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