
little miss muffet

meet the newest addition to my bedroom walls, little miss muffet:

she suits me for so many reasons.

1)  she was purchased at a thrift store.  i simply adore used goods.  please bring me with you whenever you’re going to garage sales or flea markets.  i’m simply in heaven surrounded by one man’s junk.  it really is my treasure.

2)  she’s a petite little thing up on my wall.  not only do i find the word petite amusing, i also think anything small and dainty to be quite endearing.

3)  she has a hot pink bonnet on her head.  don’t you wish you were donning a hot pink bonnet?

4)  she’s eating and she’s scared of spiders.  although i don’t know what these curds are that she’s enjoying, i do love food and eating — especially when i’m on a wall somewhere outside.  and she and i share an absolute disdain for eight-legged creatures (the one difference between her and me is that i’m not frightened away when i have a shoe nearby and can beat them to death till they’re a small ball of hairy legs).

5)  she was given to me by the new coworker in my little blue office.  that suits me just fine.

3 thoughts on “little miss muffet

  1. Love it 🙂

    I admit, I am rather envious of the hot pink bonnet. If I had one, I would wear it EVERYWHERE!

    and “curds and whey” is pretty much cottage cheese

  2. Nancy’s comment is pretty much amazing… I think you should lead Worship in a hot pink bonnet. I’d come back to CFC for a Sunday to see that… and bring my Camera.

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