
burlington adventure.

yesterday i went on an adventure with this darling creature:

she’s the “new girl” — or at least that’s what she’s referred to by most around me.  although she’s technically been in the area and a part of my church for two years, she’s recently started working part time in the little blue office with me.  eventually she’ll stop being “the new girl” and start being a regular ‘ole “office girl” like me.

we went to a place that had water and sailboats

and a tall tower of filing cabinets

and a large green bus.

although the start of the trip was a bit rocky (you’re curious so i’ll tell.  i received my first speeding ticket on the way)

once we got there and found a treasure of a thrift store, all frustrations were quickly forgotten.  excitement abounded in such measure that i couldn’t even focus the camera on our entire faces!

a bag full of bargains came home with me but my favorite purchase was this $1 sweatshirt purchased at Salvation Army in Burlington, Vermont:

although i’ve never had any sort of urge to wear green and yellow and support the nearby university, i couldn’t pass up the opportunity to snatch this “vintage” Clarkson apparel.

GO KNIGHTS!!!  or whatever it is i’m supposed to say now.

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