
the macfarlane thing

she was the best friend after many awkward years.  the first day was spent looking at photos of where we came from and our insecure selves desperately tried to explain who we thought we were at the time.  i told her situations i was running from and fears i hadn’t conquered and she told me why she had come to germany.  she called me her “kindred spirit” and i knew she would be my bestest forever and ever.

today we skyped.  this activity, that happens too irregularly, is a sure way to put a smile on my face.  she’s pretty much the best thing ever.  please, everyone, be around in may.  why?  because this wondrous western canadian girl is coming to visit this small town yankee.  and you want to know her.  trust me.

7 thoughts on “the macfarlane thing

  1. Oh, hooray! A visit from the western Canadian girl!! I am so excited to hear that something is planned. Please — more details. We surely don’t want to have conflicts if at all possible!!

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