
nyc, rapping, and the beach

if you need to relax and gain some weight, i would tell you to come visit my aunt on long island. not only do you have the ocean and the city near you, but you’re also eating my aunt’s cooking and she is an amazing cook. she actually makes us cappuccino’s every morning — and it’s the real deal. she’s got the whole starbucks machine and it is quite wonderful for this coffee family to have. i swear i’m going to come home ten pounds heavier. the bummer is, i had this grand revelation while sitting on the beach today. perhaps i should try to lose or even maintain my normal weight this fall/winter, instead of gaining. i know, i’m so smart.

my daddy, mom, sister, and i went into the city last night. we listened this guy play, checked out a few other places, and then started looking for a place to eat. one man, sitting on the sidewalk of one small restaraunt, told us to “eat here.” it was his father’s favorite place and he’s been going to it all his life. so we did. we sat right in front of us this man, who was quite eager to tell us which dishes to try, ask about how we liked the city, that he teaches voice, and how several of his students are in the show “Wicked” right now. yeah, i was a bit in awe of him immediately.

people really are very friendly in new york though. our waitress loved us and after our dinner, when things were a bit slow, stood and talked with us for a bit. she’s italian, works at the best italian restaurant i’ve ever been to, spent two years in italy with her mother, spent two years in miami, didn’t date any italian boys (“they are immature. well, you’ve probably heard stories about italian boys…”), but met a guy from morocco in miami, and is now getting married to him. she loved us. and we loved her.

this one guy we saw last night perform was an asian dude and just for fun did this rap with a loop all about the “sexy asian.” it was so incredibly funny, but it did get me thinking. this whole rap thing — you know, my sister and i rapping — has gotten super crazy. we don’t go anywhere anymore without people begging us to do our rap. thankfully, we either have absolutely no pride, or we actually think we’re cool, because we always end up doing it, people laugh at or with us (not sure which one it is), their friends hear about it, and once again, people are asking for us to rap. i find this all rather funny. because we really aren’t that good. oh, for those of you who have only seen me, i apologize. i was horrible and didn’t do justice to the very white thing my sister and i have going on. and to the people who told me i should hook up with Diddy: i haven’t seen him yet, but when i do, i’ll let him know that i have this whole fan club up north who want me to make an album, call it, “White Girl Wraps,” and have the cover look like a gift. i’m sure he’ll think that that’s super cool. or maybe my sister and i should do something and we could be the “Rapping Sisters.” okay, now i’m getting corny ideas. i need to stop.

quick! everyone come look — louissa’s not white anymore. she’s pink! actually we are all pink. well not, all. my aunt and one cousin have no problem tanning. yes, two of my cousins have joined us and we had a marvelous day lounging around on the beach — besides the fact that now it looks like i have some sort of skin disease… my legs always burn funky and random spots are red and the rest white. i just figured you’d want to know all that.

my aunt gives our websites out to her friends. at times i realize that i really have no idea of how many readers i have. and to all of you who have read this whole entire entry: props to you. you’re amazing. this is one of those “what i did with my day” posts — and some think they are extremely boring and not very creative. sorry.

11 thoughts on “nyc, rapping, and the beach

  1. I love “what I did with my day” sort of posts. What other people do with their days is often completely different than what I do with mine – and, therefore, more interesting.

  2. I read the whole thing… and was wishing I was there instead of here, where I am surrounded by boxes and have a long list of things to do before our house can officially be called “packed up”. Want to trade places? 🙂

    When are you guys coming home?

  3. wow! wow wow wow wow wow!!!!! i mean i was just like wow and now that i’ve read this whole thing i’m like wow. and then you got pink and wow, and then you’re gaining and loosing weight wow, and you’re meeting cool people wow, and your family wow, and i’m just in wow. not to mention i read this whole thing – wow!!!! that’s tons of props for me. i’ve been reading this long, long, long entry while enjoying my morning breakfast here at Starbucks (oh wait that would be you wouldn’t it?)! oh well continue having fun! wow! I mean wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Personally, I like “what I did with my day” posts. They help those of us far away to get a glimpse of what is going on in your life. It sounds like you are having an incredible time. What a blessing for you all! Can I stay with your aunt when I go to NYC? ; )

  5. One Soul Records would love to sign you. We would mos def get you some real gigs and get you on some mad mixtapes. Mad crazy Sinclair gurls. nice. dang thatd be hip and hot.

  6. I read the whole thing. I try to keep up with your posts, because I love to hear what ya’ll are up to. Glad you are having a good time.

  7. Hey, how do I get a hold of you, what’s your stinkin email.
    Sunday, Danica asked me to lead worship because no one was supposed to be here.
    I said yes, but would like to try something, like…co leading with you
    So, if you could pick out a few songs, we’ll talk saturday night when I get home assuming you will all be around…
    Let me know if that works! No pressure…either way can you still play keys and sing! hehe

  8. LOL…that made me laugh, giggle and smile. I want to hear you rap now, and I like the idea of the album cover. I am assuming the rapping sisters are you and Julia? Diddy would do well to sign you on. I don’t think you’re corny. You’re funny. Also, I know about being pink instead of white. Matter of fact, I returned from NJ and told a friend of mine she couldn’t call me pasty white girl (pwg) anymore b/c I was red. Heeheehee 🙂 That is cool about the guy in the restaurant and the waitress too. Thanks for the post. That was fun. (So are your others, of course) I like hearing of peoples adventures. 🙂 Love you Louissa!

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