
tonight won’t be just any night

yes, this aunt has had an affect on the two oldest babies concerning thier choice in music (i’m so proud of myself). my dvd of keith urban’s concert has been at the little yellow house for a month now (and will probably continue to be there when i leave) and has become the morning exercise video. i hear that when daddy pulls out the nordic track so does urban and that’s what they watch. gabriel hums the tune, “as days go by…” and when my lovey doll sees the nordic track being set up she says, with her big eyes, and her head moving in the most bronwyn way possible, “watch keith urban!”

and that’s what i’ll be doing tonight. watching keith urban. i think it will be perfectly different from the other big-name concert i went to. it was in Heinz Hall (don’t think ketchup and all the catchy sayings on their bottles, think old theatre — it really is quite lovely) to see Diana Krall. it was an amazing night and i don’t think anything i’ll ever see if will cost that much money, but it was worth it. i love her.
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wondering why all the posts suddenly? well, it might partly be because i sit in a very cold office five hours out of my day with enough things to do to fill up three and a half of those hours (although that will be changing come monday), but it might also be because i recently found out that i’ll have email at this school in germany but no other web access. there is an internet cafe close by, but i probably won’t be posting as much — i know, it’s hard to hear, but it’s the truth. louissa will be living in the real world come september 19 (does living in europe count as the real world? i’ll feel far too much like sabrina for that to happen!) and even if she did have web access, do you think she’d have enough time to post as regularly as she does now?

she could spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to go to the internet cafe daily, but that would leave her in a rather sad state, wouldn’t it?

3 thoughts on “tonight won’t be just any night

  1. All the posts? I can relate.

    And I think it’s because the change in seasons–the cooler air and transforming leaves–are food for thought and an inspiration-itch for wanna-be writers like me. 🙂

  2. reading about everything I am almost crying over you leaving. I will truly miss you and your posts. i know i don’t see you or anything, but just the thought of you being gone makes me miss you. i hope you have a lovely time. it is kind of Sabrina like, isn’t it?

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