jackson edward is 8 lb. 4 oz. and 21″ long. that seems small to me… imagine that.
i have some pictures here.
and just because i can’t help but think about me all the time, i wanted to post this. : )
a picture of me with one of my favorite people… we both got our hair done on the same day.
I do believe I am the first person who will be leaving a comment! Sweet I am fast now at this…you all are so popular that I have to hurry so I am not 101. lol. Anyway your not self involved just because you have your own site and you post a couple pix of your old and new hair do! Bye
Here I go again – I think that you would need to write “8 lb. 4 oz.” What you have recorded would imply that he is “8 and 4 tenths ounces”.
Just me being a picky mom – again! 🙂
Your mom is right Louissa… gosh wich I guess would imply that YOU are wrong. But thats ok, its all about the love.
Nice hair.
good thing i’m a good sport… i corrected it.
glad you said you corrected it, b/c I kept trying to figure out was wrong w/what you wrote…but you already fixed it. Thanks for the update and the nice pics!!!
We have the best little nephew!
Your hair looks very nice, and congratulations on being an aunt again! (I can’t wait till I am one too!)
Hey, what do you know. I can get to your site again. It’s not blocked anymore… yeah.
Your hair reminds me of Louissa *Classic*
: |
Nice teeth!!!
congrats! =)