my hands smell like hair color right now. one more time, i have donned a “redken” apron, black gloves, and am coloring hair. yeah, don’t get any ideas — i’m not doing yours. this is a side sort of thing. rather fun to do once, but done after one time. the hair industry is not for me.
last night, i snuggled with my two oldest babies and watched a bit of monsters inc. i do believe that was one of the better parts of my week. i keep telling myself that during the summer and next fall i’ll have more time to visit sisters, bake, take walks, and do all of the lovely things i wish i had time for now. i just don’t know if that will actually happen.
i think a wisdom tooth is coming in. it’s a rather strange sensation.
tomorrow night (yes, tuesday) we’ll be celebrating the two march birthdays. i do love my birthday!
birthdays… 🙂
Oh Its ur birthday…or soon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU and was it DANICA??? I hope I am right…well Happy birthday to whom ever it was just in case I am wrong! Cool you dyed HAIR…I had my dad dye my hair before when my mum was sickly. It turned out alright and I believe I got a couple of compliments on it so I said, “Thanx and can you believe my dad did it?!?!?” hehe it was funny the reactions. Many people said, “Oh you have a sweet dad, mine would never do that.” I guess he is used to helping out when he really needs to!
Horray for march birthdays! 😉
Happy birthday.
I don’t really like wisdom teeth.
Hopefully your experience with them will be better than mine was.
Wow…. I know alot of people who have March birthdays…. In fact… I just found out today that my Economics teacher was born in March…. wierd. March must be a good birthday month.