well, i had a perfectly lovely day. thank you all for the “comment” wishes, the e-cards, phone calls, e-mails, cards, and presents.
i feel loved and feel like i know the best people in the world.
well, i had a perfectly lovely day. thank you all for the “comment” wishes, the e-cards, phone calls, e-mails, cards, and presents.
i feel loved and feel like i know the best people in the world.
Louissa.. your the best person in the world!
i tend to think so myself. ; )
Happy Birthday L
Happy birthday I am sorry I am late, we almost lost our computer here! But we are back, yay!
my other dog [s] mysteriously disapeared. I miss them.
Yeah I am good now. Yeah its cool we are looking at a house but just looking right now. We aren’t sure if anything will come of it!
Bye bye.
Yea! I am so glad you’ve had a “perfectly lovely day”! Woo hoo. I do SO love you! Jesus does too!
i made the page for the yearbook and i think it turned out great!!
i’m sad that i didn’t make it to cfa today, but sleeping for 13 hours sure was nice! I’ll drop off the page and money today before play practice. i think i’m going to canton’s musical tonight. you can come with me if you’d like… i’m actually going right past your house on the way there. 🙂
A happy hippy hoppy belated birthday to you.
hmmm, I feel so bad, cause i didn’t really contribute to your pile of happy birthday contacts.
But you are the best Louissa. So thats what really matters,
Happy Birthday.
Great job today with worship! God is awesome! I hope you remember the pic! lol You have till April 1st. HEHE! I know you wont forget! If you do I may have back up. But I am not sure of it yet!
Ok so that last comment was obviously from me, I just forgot to change the info right above the comment box. It is hard having someone with another xanga in the house, you have to change everything and always remember your password it seems. So I knew you remembered! You have a great memory and care about people too! Hehe GREAT! YAY. Anyway…how is Louissa? You know the Louissa in sound of music I never liked but I really like the name now! I always thought the names of those kids were weird but they are nice! Hehe.
=]..I love you Louissa..
i forgot to grab your vard before i left for church so i will bring it friday. ;]
woops i ment “Birthday Card”..lol my bad