
9 outta 10

1.  sometimes the staff here forgets my name.  the principal called me “Larissa” in front of the entire school a week ago (don’t worry, he wasn’t talking to me because i was in trouble).  a few days ago, another guy on staff (who was actually taking me on outreach) forgot my name as he talked with a group of students and said, “i just talked with… what’s her face?  you know, sinclair.”  i never thought “Louissa” was so hard to remember.

2.  i said “coffee” with a slight new york accent the other day.  unfortunately, it was while i stood in front of a german classroom and the other students from Bodenseehof who went on outreach with me.  the rest of the weekend i was called “sinclair” (pronounced with a new york accent) and all anyone in my group talked to me it about was coffee, my love for talking, how God can make your life perfect, and anything else that’s fun to say in a new york accent.

3.  there were four students and one staff member who stayed with a German couple over the weekend.  we loved them.  lets just say that by the end of it all, i decided that if i stayed any longer in their house, i would gain the 5 kilos i thought i had (another story).

4.  i’m completely sick of the twelve songs my sing team sings.  we thought we were done until next semester, but today we were asked to do something this thursday.  oh, Lord of mercy, help me.

5.  by the end of this weekend everyone was sick of seeing my camera.  they didn’t like that i take pictures of people while they don’t know it.  but those always come out the best.

6.  German cultue is so different than ours — it’s amazing.  every evening we had a church service and after every service the beer was pulled out.  because of Bodenseehof policies we couldn’t drink it, but a few enjoyed pretending they had.

7.  something i love about this place is that we have small groups (K-Groups).  my K-Group is pretty much the best.  last night we sat in a small apartment with candles and food and talked and talked and talked (we laughed lots as well).  this morning found me making pancakes early in the morning so we could celebrate four december birthdays.  and tonight we go caroling.

8.  best of all:  thirteen days until i fly home.

9.  i was going to try to make it to 10, but i think i’ll be ending at nine.

4 thoughts on “9 outta 10

  1. 13 days stil feels like a lot… but i am sure it will fly bye. and the time you are here will fly bye also. We need to hang out. There is so much stuff i want to tell you about

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