
pray without ceasing.

a frustrated mind.  a heavy heart.  one who suddenly finds herself questioning God. 

people full of potential.  people who love Jesus.  people who shouldn’t be hindered.  and they’re sick.  they struggle with physical ailments. 

people who she loves.  people she doesn’t know.  people who are her family. 

why Lord?  why do you allow this?

what can she do?  she wants to make the world right.  she doesn’t want to see them suffering; she doesn’t want to see the pain and the hurt.  confusion sets in and she says that none of it is fair. 

have faith…

she hears the voice that whispers in her ear. 

i don’t want to just have faith… i want to do something more.

and the voice speaks again.

pray.  pray hard.  pray to the God of abraham, isaac, and jacob.  pray to the One who cleansed the leper, raised the dead, healed the lame, mute, and deaf.  pray to Him who is able to heal. 

the sharpie’s came out.  index size cards were found.  colored markers were pulled out of their box.  scotch tape was looked for.

and the hand started writing names.  a few girls, a few boys.  all in need of healing.  all making the heart of the writer feel heavy.

is this what a burden feels like?

a baby girl with a serious heart problem. 

Lord, please touch her…

a guitarist who struggles with siezures. 

Lord, please touch him…

a student that is unhealthy and longs to able to go on missions trips. 

Lord, please touch her…

a stranger.  a boy she heard about this afternoon.  he’s not supposed to reach 30. 

Lord, please touch him…

another boy who has a disease in his legs and in concerned about it spreading to his heart only to be the cause of his death. 

Lord, please touch him…

a pasty white bald head.  circles under his eyes.  he has lung cancer.

Lord, please touch him…

the cards are taped to a door and she hopes she’ll remember to utter these words everytime she sees names.  she hopes she’ll continue to feel this burden that forces her to lift them up and ask for their healing.

Lord, teach me to pray without ceasing.

and suddenly a peace that surpasses all understanding makes it way into her heart.  a heart that yes, is still heavy, but a heart that knows she is lifting these burdens up to the One who can deliver, who can make whole, and whose love is never-ending.

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” – John 10:10

3 thoughts on “pray without ceasing.

  1. Louissa, that is the most meaningful post that I have probably ever read. I’m so glad that the Lord is gracious. He is gracious to heal us, but even more so he is gracious enough to show us our need for him. What a tender-hearted God we serve. It’s really something special when God shows someone how to pray, and how important prayer is.
    Thanks for praying. 🙂


  2. wow! awesome post… i have been feeling the same way recently, with so many people and children that are close to me needing strong prayer…. youre awesome!

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