
the sillies of a girl.

a few sentences…

i’ve never wanted a dog.  yesterday, for about two seconds, i wanted i dog.  the feeling quickly went away.

my birthday is in ten days.  my family will have a lovely dinner for me where they’ll shower me with appreciations and all my favorite foods.  but today, as i fought the desire for a disney princess themed party, i decided to plan a big bash for myself.  who doesn’t throw their own birthday party?  costume party it is… now to start figuring out the details.  let me know if you want to come — you’ll be admitted upon proof of present & beverage to pass.

a friend is coming saturday night.  she’ll drive up on a bus (more brave than i) and then for an entire week will stay with me at my house!  a week-long sleepover!  can life get better?

…this growing up thing that i keep promising isn’t happening very quickly.

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