
idaho update #1

i’m here.  in idaho.  my schedule has been planned for me and packed every second of every day since my plane touched the ground.  coffee get-togethers, birthday lunches, breakfast parties, small group studies, bride-to-be helping, live music listening, and walks and walks and walks.  i’ve been loving it.

but now, i’m here at starbucks sipping my free americano with white mocha and i have a few moments to just be.

i told you i would have you loving idaho for more than potatoes by the time i come home and this seems like a prime time to start.  so, here are my first few reasons for how lovely this forgotten state is:

1.  although i’m in the north west and i didn’t expect it to be too “western” there are constant reminders that i was completely wrong like this one.  click the image to enlarge and see the smaller sign in the left-hand corner please.

2.  it’s beautiful here.  although it might be a tad bit chilly, the sun has been shining the whole time and i’ve found many wonderful places during all my walks.

and 3.  i get to spend every waking moment with this dear wonderful soul.

and now i’m going to spend some time reading.  i shall give you more reasons later.

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