it was a sick sort of sunday yesterday and today is a sick sort of monday. it matches the damp, grey day that we had and i’m thankful that i wasn’t missing sunshine and warmth as i spent my hours drinking water then juice, taking vitamins, keeping track of my temperature, and sleeping as much as possible.
a shower and fresh sweats were put on this morning (when i realized that i was still in saturday’s pajamas i blushed even though no one was around and told myself to get clean), a few loads of laundry are now busily being washed and dried, and a dishwasher has been emptied. and those few things, my friends, are my accomplishments for the day.
i shall now burrow under a quilt & afghan on my couch and slip in and out of oblivion while some movie plays in the background. being able to do this is the only decent thing about being sick.