
the start to our day

this morning didn’t start according to plan. the alarm was reset for 20 minutes after we were both supposed to rise. when we managed to finally roll out of bed i scurried downstairs in a rush to quickly make food for the husband’s day in the office and brew a pot of coffee.

only i forgot to put the freshly ground beans into the filter. i made us a nice pot of hot water.

after quickly showering, dressing, and packing clothes for his lunch hour gym time, the husband went outside to start the car. our only car.

but he was greeted by a flat tire.

he busied himself changing the tire so he could get to work. i rushed around to attempt brew #2 of coffee. garbage was quickly brought out to the curb since heaven only knows when our garbage man will show up (sometimes it’s 8am and other times it’s 2pm) and i kept one eye on the clock the entire time, fully aware of the things that need to get done today.

i didn’t plan on drinking my morning cup ‘o joe while mincing garlic and onion (it just DOESN’T taste the same when cutting such potent foods) but that’s what i’m in the middle of doing. and that’s okay.

it’s only 8:30am. the day is bound to go more smoothly, right?

2 thoughts on “the start to our day

  1. LOL Always keep a jar of instant coffee on hand for these days. Ernie calls this “camping coffee” and the water won’t go to waste. Have you lost your glasses yet only to find them sitting on top of your head? I am fighting one more red squirrel so I can feel your frustration.

  2. Hey, never forget — when all else fails there is always grilled cheese or tuna or both. And ice cream is just down the street. No one ever turns these down! 😉

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