
Since last time…

We celebrated our 2nd anniversary and continued with our tradition of staying home and making dinner ourselves (doing something two years in a row does create a tradition, right?). It may seem a bit on the boring side, but our cozy town is situated 45-60 minutes away from any restaurant we enjoy and sometimes it’s nice not to drive so very far for an evening off.

And it’s really just an excuse for me to make fun foods like stuffed mushrooms and tomato tarts and dessert. And to move the table to be in front of the fire. And play whatever background music we want. And talk freely. And cry freely (the good sort of tears). And have our baby be only two miles down the road. And it’s perfect.

The fall has continued being incredibly beautiful. Daylight is rapidly disappearing (fact of the day: we’re losing about 3 minutes of daylight every single day right now!) and the beauty surrounding us makes it a bit easier to handle all the darkness crowding in. And this valley I call home? I’m falling in love with such loveliness.

There’s an empty space at the end of our bedroom that I don’t know how I’m supposed to fill. After quite a long spell of little-to-no-sleep nights, we decided to see if moving Baby out of our room might help. It was a teary experience and every other day I almost ask The Husband to move the crib back to be just a few feet away from me when I’m sleeping. I’m not quite ready for this growing up thing.

Our little guy is creeping toward his eleventh month. Which means there’s only a few more weeks till we celebrate his very first birthday. But I don’t want to talk about that.

His constantly slumped shoulders and wide-open mouth? They’re my favorite.

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