
christmas recipe

This week has been the sort that leaves me wondering if I would rather rewind and start it all over again or quickly fast forward and be able to move on. I don’t need to go into detail and complain to you for an entire paragraph, but it’s been a week of feeling fried, battling selfishness, and being convicted time after time when I honestly didn’t want to adjust my attitude.

God is so gracious. He’s patient when I allow insignificant things to overwhelm my soul. He’s kind in the way that He helps me get back on track time after time. And He gently reveals what’s really in the heart — for me: a whole lot of wanting things to be about me and go my way.

He’s just wonderful. That’s all I wanted to say.

Oh, and to share a cookie recipe I really think you should try. Because they’re so good. And easy. And really quick. Seriously. Well, as long as you’re not making a triple batch like my mom does.

Chocolate Dipped Butter Cookies

2 1/3 c flour
1/4 t salt
1 cup butter, softened
2/3 cup sugar
1 egg yolk
1 t vanilla
1 c finely chopped blanched almonds (I used pecans since The Husband is allergic to almonds)

Sift flour and salt, set aside. In large bowl or mixing bowl, beat sugar, butter, egg yolk, and vanilla until light and fluffy. Gradually stir in flour mixture and 1 cup of almonds. With hands, shape dough into two roll 1 1/2″ in diameter. Wrap in foil or plastic wrap and refrigerate till firm (about 2 hours). Pre-heat oven to 350, lightly grease cookie sheets, and with sharp knife cut the rolls into slices 1/4″ thick. Bake for 8-10 minutes till cookie sets and the bottom is slightly gold (mine were in the oven for more like 12 minutes).

On low heat melt 6oz semi-sweet chocolate and 3 T butter. Add 1 T hot water and mix well. Dip half of each cooled cookie into chocolate. Sprinkle with chopped almonds or colored nonpareils.

These are wonderful.

Oh, and one more thing: one of the few moments this week that I was able to stop for a second and let thankfulness fill my heart —

I have a beautiful house with a beautiful tree which was put up by a beautiful man who loves me (even on my bad weeks) and a beautiful baby. I am blessed.

3 thoughts on “christmas recipe

  1. Howdy friend. Would you like to get together some time to make Christmas cookies (like we did last year) for the annual cookie exchange at church?

  2. I love to read your blogs. Thank you for your sweet honesty. You bless my heart. Oh, and I am going to try your recipes. Thanks!

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