
friday night #2

perhaps i’m abusing the fact that many people come here and will, because of this, start losing readers. oh well.

here’s the info:

no julia’s thang tomorrow night. yup, cancelled twice in a row. and probably cancelled next week since that’s CFA’s graduation.

but abby and natalie are performing tomorrow night. it’ll be abby’s last stardust concert. maybe i’ll try to go and see her.

2 thoughts on “friday night #2

  1. that would be awesome. 🙂

    the Shizzly Good Five is playing at 7… it’s a band… Chris Higgins, Sean Acres, and Nate Jaquith. I’m assuming that it’s going to be pretty funny to see so i think you should come to that before the concert. but the real thing is still at 7:30.

  2. So I’m thinkin that julia’s thang could use some clever re-naming, some ideas might be
    meating o’ julia or friday nights w/ jewelz or the weekly julia experience or you know something spiritual” like the meeting with the girl who is friends with jason” group. MWGFWJG for short.

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