13 thoughts on “gondoliers.

  1. haha… I didn’t want to see too much of your practice cause then I won’t be in total awe at the real thing!! 😛 you guys are going to be amazing- I can’t wait!! do you have a party afterwards?? lol at Sergi’s or anything? cause I’d love to tag along like you did! wouldn’t that be fun!?! i have pictures from both play parties that I’ll have to show you! 🙂

  2. aww that’s too bad about the party… lol doing something friday would be fun though!! we should invite nate and some people too… 😉 lol and yes- surprisingly enough, a few pictures actually turned out!! i fixed the camera though… proud of me, aren’t you? 😛 lol it just needed new batteries… go figure… 😛

  3. awwww…your costumes are increadable! Is Mrs.Detrick ‘the brains of that operation’??
    Good Luck! Can’t wait to see your perfomance:)

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