

i’m supposed to be here writing a book review, but since i typed up a heck of a long entry and managed to lose it, i’m not feeling so inspired anymore.  besides, who wants to be doing work when your head feels stuffed up and dizzy, your eyes aren’t managing to see quite as well, and when at 8:45pm, your ready to go to bed and only wake when Kingdom comes?

yeah not me.

i was also supposed to go and help with some house projects for a young couple in the church.  everyone from my Bible study was getting together and going over and i opted out.  after a weekend away i decided that i needed some time to wash the many clothes i managed to dirty in 48 hours, prepare a little something to share in the cell group that i lead, and really, to just be for a night.

so instead i’ll eat my partly frozen banana bread (simply amazing), listen to the hum of the washer and dishwasher going, wear my candycane striped pajama pants and enjoy the rather quiet (so there’s a keith urban concert playing on tv) of a usually loud and boisterous house.

yes, i went away.  i love getting away — those tiny breaks are the best.  i answer am encouraged to not answer my phone, i don’t think about projects and what needs to be done when i return home, and i try do relax and feel no pressure of any kind.

i took a walk on the dirt road sunday afternoon.  i wore leggings, a skirt, and red soft leather flats while i walked and skipped and explored different paths i came across.  i’m sure i looked completely ridiculous complete with a decorative scarf around my neck while tip-toeing through mud, but what can i say?  i’m really bad at being a country girl.  and since i never saw a soul, i sang while i went.  how can you not when you’re surrounded by orange, red, yellow, and green?

i sat on a couch and looked into the eyes of one of the nicest woman ever and told her about myself.  she then told me that i have beautiful eyes.  after that i decided that we could be friends.

we sat on the built in wooden benches around the stove and drank our water while our bodies decided to remove all nastiness by way of sweating.  yes, i went somewhere complete with a sauna.  and yes, after being a bit sketch for so long and never giving in, i did it.  and i loved it.

we talked and laughed.  we told stories and told of how God saved us and what He’s continuing to do in us.  i laid my head down each night praying with the blonde friend beside me.

and now i’m home.  and i feel like i’m in school again… procrastinating when a paper is due.  so i’m done with distracting myself with everything else around me and will hopefully finish there.

* next day *

so i never did finish that book review.  i talked and chatted and spent time with people i found much more interesting and then went to bed since my body was telling me that i needed much sleep.  oh well.  one more monday post that i’ve missed yet again.

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